We’re making our site even better—explore our current features while we upgrade!

Gain access to population-wide insights

to inform marketing or network optimization actions

Trusted by world's leading ISPs
T-Mobile : Brand Short Description Type Here.
AT&T : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Vodafone : Brand Short Description Type Here.

Trend analysis & KPI monitoring of installed base

Population-level insights

Insights into subscribers’ evolving habits and in-home Wi-Fi requirements


View entire installed base or filter by CPE model to benchmark vendor performance

Business opportunities

Proactive data analysis to highlight opportunities for upsell and targeted campaigns for new services

Loved by top industry leaders

Discover how Vodafone leverages Airties’ Wi-Fi solutions to optimize in-home connectivity, ensuring seamless and reliable internet experiences for their customers.

Oscar Gallego, CTO Products Home and Security, Vodafone

Learn how Waoo shifted from a traditional telco approach to prioritizing customer experience, utilizing Airties’ Smart Wi-Fi to deliver superior in-home connectivity and satisfaction.

Martin Jürgensen, Senior Product Development Manager, Waoo


Airties Wi-Fi Management:
How a Hybrid Cloud-Edge Architecture lowers latency
and drives down costs

Read this whitepaper and explore how this unique approach enables effective Wi-Fi management for a great user experience, reduced latency, cost efficiencies and smarter data-driven decision-making. Download the whitepaper now!

Delivering exceptional customer experience starts here