Customer Care & Diagnostics

Get the visibility you need on the real last mile - your subscribers' Wi-Fi connection

Customer Care & Diagnostics

Get the visibility you need on the real last mile - your subscribers' Wi-Fi connection

Up to 60% of all broadband support calls are Wi-Fi related1

Each support call
can cost up to $30,

due to lack of visibility on root causes1

CPE swap outs are common without accurate diagnostics,

although no hardware issue is at fault in 80% of cases1

Anticipating and fixing any anomalies before the support call

is crucial to prevent customer churn

Each support call
can cost up to $30,

due to lack of visibility on root causes1

CPE swap outs are common without accurate diagnostics,

although no hardware issue is at fault in 80% of cases1

Anticipating and fixing any anomalies before the support call

is crucial to prevent customer churn

Get real-time visibility to pin-point
and resolve issues without a truck roll

Empower your support teams to lift their FCR (first call resolution) rates with actionable diagnostics, alarms and recommendations

AI-driven analysis “learns” the optimal configuration for each home, continuously improving performance over time

Multi-level access to filter only the most complex technical issues beyond first level support

Deliver superior customer service to all your subscribers and raise your NPS


Proximus offers intelligent Wi-Fi with Airties Cloud

“With AirTies Cloud, we can now proactively manage and optimize our customers’ Wi-Fi to help them stay connected and entertained.”
Jim Casteele, Chief Consumer Market Officer, Proximus


Measure and manage the performance of your customers’ broadband experience

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Data sources:

[1] Marketing Smart Wi-Fi: The Key to Broadband Differentiation, Omdia, 2020