Why Fixed Wireless Access is set to transform the delivery of high-speed broadband to millions of consumers worldwide

Why Fixed Wireless Access is set to transform the delivery of high-speed broadband to millions of consumers worldwide

What is FWA?

Ten years ago, most consumers would have thought it impossible that you could watch a HD movie, stream music, or even just browse the Internet and do work emails on your phone. The idea of wireless broadband over the local cellular wireless network just wasn’t considered viable.

And for good reason. At that time, the cellular network didn’t have the required download speeds, bandwidth, or stability compared to wireline connections to provide comparable broadband connectivity and high-speed Internet. *

This is not the situation today. High-speed, affordable 5G broadband connectivity that compares to the speed of wireline alternatives is fast becoming ubiquitous in coverage around the world.

This means it is now technologically and commercially viable to deliver broadband into homes straight over cellular. This is the promise of 5G Fixed Wireless Access, or FWA for short.

And this capability is an exciting new option for homes where laying new wireline connections may not be the most economically viable way to provide or upgrade a pre-existing broadband connection.

So, for some consumer homes, cellular can provide a more cost-effective solution than wireline-based broadband. This is because it gives the option of not having to dig up a single road to install or upgrade. And it doesn’t require an engineer to install (see later).

In fact, the days of the copper cable telephone landline are nearing an end in many territories around the world anyway. And now, it seems, 5G cellular will offer an alternative for broadband that may be more cost-effective for the last mile, for both operators and hence consumers. Particularly outside of high-density city population centers.

How big is the market for FWA? Where’s the biggest case study to date?

The biggest market for FWA today is the U.S. In fact, around ten percent of U.S. consumers now receive their home broadband over FWA cellular instead of traditional cable. And I expect this percentage to continue to grow, both in the U.S. and around the world.

In the U.S, AT&T is investing $5 billion in FWA, according to a recent report in SDxCentral. And both T-Mobile and Verizon are scaling extremely strongly in the FWA market too according too, says market analyst Ookla.

Fiber will remain the dominant delivery technology. But FWA is definitely finding a significant niche for providing consumer home broadband to underserved, often rural, areas. Areas where there are no, or just one, fiber operator providing fixed line broadband.

Cellular operators have established relationships with hundreds of millions of American consumers. So, it is a natural step for them to offer them home broadband services over the 5G cellular network, where suitable and available.

It is anticipated that the rollout of FWA in other countries will follow a similar trajectory to that already seen in the U.S. In fact, any country with good, geographical 5G network coverage will present an early market growth opportunity for FWA. The growth will, like the U.S, be driven by the major cellular carriers who see it as an opportunity to win consumer home broadband customers from the traditional cable operators.

How does FWA work?

FWA will deliver broadband to consumer homes leveraging local cellular network infrastructure. Put very simply: the broadband signal comes in wirelessly over the pre-existing cellular network outside, rather than through any kind of hard-wired cable buried in the ground.

To install FWA requires a cellular-Wi-Fi hybrid broadband router to be supplied to a consumer’s home. This is all from the cellular side that is required in terms of customer premises equipment.

This, once plugged in at an appropriate location (see below), will deliver high-speed consumer broadband quite literally ‘out-of-the-box’. In fact, the installation is so simple, consumers in the U.S. are installing FWA themselves using little more than an app.

The only ‘drawback’ is that a consumer will have to locate their cellular router at a suitable location near a window where the cellular signal is strongest in their home. This will invariably not be the ideal location for their home Wi-Fi router that the FWA cellular router will double-up as.

This means in all but a few cases, where a home is small enough, the consumer will also have to install some Wi-Fi range extenders too. But the same app can be used. And the process made simple enough once again to not require an on-site engineer.

The challenges, risks, and limitations of FWA

Compared to a fiber cable, Fixed Wireless Access on the cellular side will be subject to weather conditions and physical transmission issues through objects outside a home. In addition, cellular is a shared public network. This means actual broadband speeds can – and will – vary quite significantly, depending on how busy the local cellular network is.

As a result, the Wi-Fi side of the broadband provision must be as optimized as much possible to compensate. It cannot be a weak link. This means Fixed Wireless Access should always be combined with a managed Wi-Fi solution.

The variability of FWA speed and stability on the cellular side makes it even more critical that the Wi-Fi must be adequately managed. This includes dynamic, real-time optimizations to ensure an excellent user experience.

For Fixed Wireless Access broadband to continue to succeed and grow, its delivery must come without any significant drop in consumer quality of experience.

Bottom line: It must be as comparably reliable and as delay-free (low latency) as a fiber-optic connection even if it isn’t quite as reliable technologically. And this is an important paradigm shift in consumer broadband delivery.

And a vitally important one. Because some consumers may initially perceive switching to, or installing, an all-wireless last mile solution for their broadband as a bit of a ‘risk’. To most consumers, their broadband is connection is as essential-a-utility as their water and energy nowadays.

So, any ‘teething’ problems that may arise from Fixed Wireless Access could be judged extremely harshly. And will certainly not help continue its early uptake success in the U.S. Not least because with the rise in social media means consumers have never been more well-connected. Or have had the ability to complain more easily and publicly in their millions when things go wrong.

In home broadband, it is the broadband service provider that always gets blamed if there’s a problem with the quality of service from the consumer side. No matter what the cause.

So, if Fixed Wireless Access doesn’t work, even if it’s a Wi-Fi problem, there will be nowhere to hide for operators. As with any home consumer broadband, operators must strive to deliver as exceptional quality of experience and uptime for the consumer as possible.

FWA opportunities unlocked by Qualcomm and Airties

This is why the recently announced Airties collaboration with Qualcomm is so exciting. It will see wireless experts working together from both sides of the FWA broadband equation: Qualcomm on cellular and Airties on managed Wi-Fi. The two companies will now work together to develop seamless FWA solutions. Solutions where both cellular and Wi-Fi are designed to work optimally together in a much more challenging consumer broadband delivery application compared to wired fiber.

A collaboration that will combine the proven reliability, stability, and security of cellular wireless technology from Qualcomm’s long-standing leadership in the field; with the managed Wi-Fi solutions that Airties is expert at providing.

Consumers just want a rock-solid, reliable connection that always works, throughout their entire home. This includes high speed access for laptops, tablets, smartphones, HD TV, video calling, cloud gaming, and high-quality virtual reality. And none of these applications are expected to get any less demanding on home Wi-Fi networks.

Meeting demand for this level of broadband performance is not simply a function of how fast, or wide, the broadband link is. It’s a function of how smartly this is distributed over the entire home Wi-Fi network and how the ever-changing connectivity conditions in the home are appropriately managed.

No two homes are exactly alike when it comes to delivering Wi-Fi. It demands a managed network and one that can make full use of Wi-Fi mesh extenders whenever and wherever required.

Airties monitors this using a ‘Wi-Fi Experience Index’ that it developed. This combines a range of connectivity optimizations including user profile-based steering of bandwidth, Wi-Fi channel management, and automatic selection of best network topology. The index is typically expressed as a numerical value between 0 and 100. The higher scores indicating a better Wi-Fi experience. Only through measurement can quality of experience be guaranteed. You cannot improve what you cannot, or do not, measure.

Article by:

Metin Taskin

Metin Taskin,


Differentiating Broadband with Managed Wi-Fi for the Ultimate Customer Experience 


Differentiating Broadband with Managed Wi-Fi for the Ultimate Customer Experience 


The world has experienced an unprecedented shift towards digital connectivity, which accelerated during the “Covid-years”. As a result, home Wi-Fi networks have become the backbone of our daily lives, driving the need for a reliable, fast and smooth user experience. As consumer expectations continue to outpace supply, broadband operators must adapt their marketing strategies and can focus on Wi-Fi quality as a key competitive differentiator.  

How Bouygues Telecom leads in Wi-Fi performance in France

Bouygues Telecom has been recognized for their superior Wi-Fi experience by the independent auditor nPerf Speed Test.

Home Wi-Fi networks play a critical role in delivering a quality experience across all devices and applications to keep up with customers’ rising expectations and can also allow broadband service providers outstrip the speed/price spiral of death to differentiate their services. 

The Shift in Marketing Focus

For years, broadband service providers focused their marketing messages on speed and price. While these factors were adequate for the early stages of broadband, today’s consumers often have the theoretical speeds they need (at least to their home gateway or router), but not the reliability nor the quality of service. To stand out in today’s competitive market, service providers must prioritize the end-to-end performance – right down to the device in their customers’ hands and highlight home Wi-Fi as a key element in their messaging. 

Wi-Fi Needs a Management Platform for Real-Time QoE Monitoring

With today’s increasingly fast access technologies, where 200Mbps is frequently available and some operators can even offer 1Gbps, speed is no longer a shorthand for users’ quality of experience. For today’s internet users, speed is often basic table stakes; they want an experience that encompasses a range of metrics, including reliability, customer service, simplicity and Wi-Fi connection quality.  

To ensure that their broadband service is delivered optimally, service providers need to invest in cloud-based management platforms that monitor these multiple factors to evaluate their subscribers’ QoE in real-time. These platforms help providers quickly identify and address any issues and can even proactively fix issues before they impact the user experience ensuring a consistently high-quality connection for their customers. 

As the demand for high-quality home Wi-Fi networks continues to grow, service providers must focus on the overall quality of the service, and leverage robust, reliable Wi-Fi as a key differentiator. By investing in cloud-based management platforms and embracing smart Wi-Fi technologies, providers can deliver exceptional connected home experiences that keep customers coming back for more. 

This article is authored by:

Juliet Bonnard,

Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications, Airties

Operator Managed Wi-Fi (OMWi): A Reference Architecture for Broadband Operators

Operator Managed Wi-Fi (OMWi): A Reference Architecture for Broadband Operators

A new Wi-Fi management specification has been published by the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), defining the reference architecture for residential Wi-Fi. Taking the position that the broadband operator is best placed to deploy, operate and optimize the in-home Wi-Fi networks of their subscribers, this report is the first to define a standard approach that will simplify integration and allow operators to focus on the quality of experience and delivering innovative services.   

This specification comes after months of research by a cross-industry working group members from the WBA, that includes representatives from Wi-Fi solutions providers, technology vendors and leading telcos and broadband operators from around the world.  These experts worked together to establish a neutral evaluation of the different technology standards as well as the various approaches to home network management that have developed over the past years.

The result is a reference architecture that addresses the full end-to-end solution, rather than only disparate elements of it; how a home network should function, what mechanisms are used for data collection or channel management, what protocol to use for communication between the home router and the cloud, what is the minimum feature set relating to mesh formation, remote management, and more.

Providing a complete end-to-end specification will ensure interoperable and reusable solutions, that avoid each broadband operator approaching the same fundamental questions with a patchwork of different standards and technologies in combinations that are specific only to them.

The reference architecture defined in the report combines the best of industry standards, such as the Wi-Fi Alliance’s (WFA) Wi-Fi CERTIFIED EasyMeshTM and Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Data ElementsTM, as well as the TR-369 User Services Platform (USP) and TR-181 Data Model from the Broadband Forum (BBF).

The Wi-Fi Alliance’s CERTIFIED EasyMeshTM is recommended as the standard interface for Wi-Fi data collection, configuration and management, to optimize home Wi-Fi performance. It is important to note that this architecture is equally applicable for home networks with a stand-alone gateway (without extenders) as it is for mesh-based home networks. The specification also recommends using BBF TR-181 as the standard data model and TR-369 (USP) as the standard for remote configuration and management of the gateway and the network.

By leveraging WFA CERTIFIED EasyMeshTM (which already incorporates Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Data ElementsTM), BBF TR-181 and TR-369 standards, the OMWi architecture not only provides operators with the necessary tools for remote configuration of the network parameters, but also with the capacity to deploy new value-added services based on the data supplied by the gateway and/or the home network.

The OMWi architecture enables “reusable” software modules and facilitates interoperability with other deployments and applications. This standardized architecture also allows easy updates to any value-added services as well as those on the cloud, to ensure that all of an operator’s solutions are in sync with the latest developments in Wi-Fi standards.

The OMWi cross-industry collaboration will drive adoption of a standard Wi-Fi platform architecture, freeing up all stakeholders to innovate and ensure the best user experience.  

Airties is honored to be a leading participant in this on-going work, with additional proofs of concept in the pipeline, as the working group continues to develop an effective framework for Wi-Fi management solutions that benefits the entire industry.  To read the new report, visit this link.

This article is authored by:

Sarper Gokturk, PhD,

Senior Head of Research, Airties

Smarter approach to Wi-Fi management: Hybrid Cloud-Edge Architecture

Smarter approach to Wi-Fi management: Hybrid Cloud-Edge Architecture

The growing demand for managed home Wi-Fi solutions

Considering the constantly evolving patterns of Wi-Fi consumption in each household, service providers require a managed Wi-Fi solution that enhances the end-to-end experience and dynamically adjusts to the circumstances for each individual and every device.

The benefits of Wi-Fi management in the cloud are well known. It brings flexibility and scalability. But to overcome the drawbacks of relying solely on cloud, Airties chooses a hybrid cloud-edge approach to network management.  

The benefits of a hybrid cloud-edge architecture

  • Real-time optimization for the best user experience: Intelligent edge software enables dynamic home Wi-Fi optimization, based on individual needs. It incorporates band steering, mesh topology optimization, and prioritizing specific application sessions, ensuring a consistently excellent Wi-Fi experience for all devices and applications.
  • Scalability and cost-effectiveness: Wi-Fi optimization requires processing extensive real-time data, making cloud-only architecture costly. A hybrid approach uses cloud computing for long-term analytics, while edge software handles immediate actions, ensuring strong, glitch-free connections and optimal user experiences in each home.
  • Improved latency management: Hybrid-cloud edge architecture enhances latency by managing local conditions in real-time on the gateway and extenders. This dynamic optimization caters to each device’s needs, saving milliseconds that cloud-only decision-making might consume, preventing streaming interruptions and lags in video calls and gaming.
  • Additional security and sustainability: By transferring some of the processing from cloud to edge devices, the hybrid cloud-edge model enables a more sustainable approach. It also allows sensitive user data to be stored locally, reassuring subscribers apprehensive about storing all data in the cloud.
  • Resilient operations and continuity: If the cloud connection is lost, the Airties solution ensures the Wi-Fi home network continues to function due to the local intelligence within the edge software.


How does it work?

Airties’ approach is to split the functionality across the cloud and edge platforms – utilizing the cloud for AI data analytics that monitor and optimize the overall Wi-Fi experience, and the real-time edge software to provide a centralized controller for the home-wide network. This can then be used to optimize data collection as well as provide real-time steering, mesh topology optimization, and quality of service management.  

With real-time, dynamic adjustment to the ever-changing requirements of the home network, the local Airties Edge Software provides a smooth Wi-Fi experience to consumers free from the latency that occurs when all optimization decisions are made through the cloud. 

Watch the video to learn more about Hybrid Cloud and Edge Architecture from Airties:

Article by:

Jos Delbar,

Head of Product Management & Data, Airties

Wi-Fi Experience Index

Wi-Fi Experience Index

What is Wi-Fi Experience Index?

The Airties Wi-Fi Experience Index is an accurate indicator of the overall quality of Wi-Fi user experience based on a range of performance and connectivity measurements.

It is powered by the data coming in through Airties Cloud and curates results based on a patented algorithm. It allows broadband operators visibility into their subscribers’ home Wi-Fi performance and allows them to resolve connectivity issues before it becomes a source of frustration. 

How does it work?

The Wi-Fi Experience Index takes into account various factors such as the strength of the Wi-Fi signal, the speed of the connection, the number of connected devices, and the level of interference from other sources. The index is typically expressed as a numerical value between 0 and 100, with higher scores indicating a better Wi-Fi experience.  

By measuring and analyzing the Wi-Fi experience, operators can take decisive actions on how to improve the network’s performance and ensure a better user experience for all connected devices. 

Watch the video to learn more about Airties Wi-Fi Experience Index:

Why broadband operators need standards-based solutions


Why broadband operators need standards-based solutions


Hear from Metin Taskin, CEO & CTO, Airties to learn how standards-based solutions ensure interoperability, reduce vendor lock-in, and facilitate innovation. 

Airties advocating for standards that help improve home Wi-Fi

Airties has always been an advocate for standards that help improve home Wi-Fi. EasyMesh, in particular, is a Wi-Fi Alliance® program which brings a standards-based approach to Wi-Fi networks that utilize multiple access points (APs). Specifically, EasyMesh Release 2 provides a standardized communication layer for home networks that utilizes multiple Wi-Fi extenders.

Adopting EasyMesh allows Airties, and our customers, to focus more on adding value with business logic and less on platform integration—as certain core functionalities are now able to work consistently across chipsets and OEMs. It enables us to focus more efforts on the advanced Smart Wi-Fi and cloud management capabilities that really make a difference to our customers, such as advanced steering, channel optimization, zero-touch installation, and remote Wi-Fi troubleshooting.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Airties’ software enabled the world’s first service provider deployment of Wi-Fi EasyMesh with Telstra in Australia. Since that time, we now have multiple EasyMesh-based service provider deployments underway that we expect will be announced later this year. 

While each deployment is unique, more service providers are seeking the kind of interoperability that EasyMesh provides, coupled with Airties’ hybrid cloud-edge software architecture to maximize the responsiveness, performance, and control of their subscribers’ home Wi-Fi experience.

At Airties, EasyMesh is the foundation for delivering leading Smart Wi-Fi functionality, granting broadband operators flexibility to deploy Airties Edge (our Smart Wi-Fi software for gateways/routers/extenders) on a massive number of products.

In addition, Airties Cloud provides broadband operators with the ability to manage both legacy and EasyMesh extenders in a unified way, since only the most recent extenders are available with EasyMesh.

The benefits for operators to adopt this EasyMesh approach versus alternatives

  1. EasyMesh both simplifies and speeds up the integration of advanced business logic onto Wi-Fi hardware platforms, by reducing the bespoke integration efforts typically needed across OEMs, chipsets, and software. It does this by standardizing the basic building blocks of a managed Wi-Fi mesh solution for operators.
  2. EasyMesh is supported by all major Wi-Fi chipset vendors and OEMs for their mainstream and future generation products.  This also means operators can support multi-vendor deployments more seamlessly.
  3. EasyMesh is fully compatible with the Airties hybrid cloud-edge architecture that leverages Smart Wi-Fi capabilities embedded on the CPE as well as the analytics and optimizations operated through the Cloud.
  4. EasyMesh allows operators to work with partners like Airties to focus more of their efforts on the advanced Smart Wi-Fi and connected home services that really make a difference to consumers – things like zero-touch installation; remote home Wi-Fi management; and new services.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Key Wi-Fi trends to watch in 2023


Key Wi-Fi trends to watch in 2023


Hear from Metin Taskin, CEO & CTO of Airties, what are the key Wi-Fi trends to watch this year and what they mean to broadband operators.

According to Metin, service providers are moving away from proprietary Smart Wi-Fi solutions and choosing to deploy standards-based, open source Wi-Fi solutions instead. The first trend he sees this year is the increasing adoption of Wi-Fi EasyMesh™ standard. Metin also believes that Wi-Fi 7 will contribute to more adoption of the 6GHz frequency. Currently being offered through Wi-Fi 6E, the 6GHz band paves the way for interference-free, uninterrupted connectivity.

End-to-end Wi-Fi QoS management will play a crucial role in enabling seamless quality of experience for end users. Additionally, Wi-Fi management has become more critical for service providers and provides a significant return on investment to differentiate themselves in the market, whether they are in the cable, fiber, or fixed wireless access business.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Wi-Fi EasyMesh™ – what it means for broadband operators


Wi-Fi EasyMesh™ – what it means for broadband operators



Home Wi-Fi has become synonymous with the broadband service, which means subscribers today perceive a poor Wi-Fi service to be a poor broadband service. It is essential, therefore, that operators invest in this part of the network if they are to remain competitive. But how can they enhance an already sophisticated network to gain the maximum RoI from this investment? The answer is interoperability. 

Managing complex networks in connected homes

As a broadband operator, you probably know only too well how complex network architecture with multi-vendor devices and chips can slow down the rollout of new services. Each deployment is unique; however, complexity is often the culprit in delays or cost overruns when you’d really like to focus on delivering an excellent experience in the home. 

Airties was one of the first companies in the home network space to develop and deploy mesh solutions. At that time, there was no standard to rely on when establishing a Mesh network and how to manage that network in a connected home. At Airties, we’ve always been a strong advocate for fundamental levels of standardization, and have worked actively with the Wi-Fi Alliance to make it happen. The second release of Wi-Fi EasyMesh provides a standardized communication layer for home networks that use multiple Wi-Fi extenders. We put all our efforts into integrating Wi-Fi EasyMesh into our Smart Wi-Fi System and interface with various chips, gateways, and extenders using the Wi-Fi EasyMesh protocol. It allows us to focus our efforts on the advanced Wi-Fi and cloud management capabilities that really make a difference to broadband operators, who, in turn, can benefit from this foundation that enables faster time to market and helps reduce bespoke integration efforts typically needed across OEMs, chipsets, and software. 

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Excellent customer experience is about interoperability and smart enhancements.

In our interactions with operators around the globe, we often get the impression that there is some confusion in the market regarding the role of Wi-Fi EasyMesh.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh defines the low-level communication protocol between multi-vendor gateways and extenders. It reduces complexity by providing a standard exchange mechanism between devices. However, it doesn’t determine the rules around any of the more advanced features: diagnostics, performance enhancements, backhaul optimization, client steering, or how to determine the best channel for a particular home. Flawless user experience will, therefore, still require compatible Smart Wi-Fi enhancements in order to achieve the 100% smooth, fast, reliable experience customers want, especially for critical applications.  

Legacy and new devices will continue to coexist for many years to come – for the moment, only recent (mainly Wi-Fi 6) extenders are available with Wi-Fi EasyMesh, which is also why our Smart Wi-Fi solutions support this complexity in a unified way. 

Value-added Wi-Fi EasyMesh enhancements for gateways  

Airties’ software enabled the world’s first service provider deployment of Wi-Fi EasyMesh with Telstra in Australia. Since that time, the company has created versatile new solutions that combines the benefits of standards-based Wi-Fi EasyMesh architecture, with the added functionality and control provided by Airties Edge software and Airties Cloud.

Airties’ Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller functionality is included in Airties Edge software which is compatible across chipsets and gateway manufacturers, making it faster and easier for service providers to deploy operator-grade Wi-Fi EasyMesh into the field. For third-party gateways, Airties hybrid cloud-edge solution of Airties Edge and Airties Cloud can be deployed as a single firmware upgrade to legacy devices in the field.

Watch this video from Telstra featuring their new Smart Modem 3, powered by standards-based Wi-Fi EasyMesh software and Cloud Management Platform from Airties.

Key benefits of Airties software solution include:

  • Enhanced band/client steering and roaming to improve performance;
  • Advanced Wi-Fi channel management and backhaul optimization;
  • Easy on-boarding of extenders with zero-touch activation;
  • Pre-integration with Airties’ secure, GDPR-compliant management platform to optimize subscribers’ home Wi-Fi networks, and provide remote diagnostics, troubleshooting, and proactive recommendations to improve performance; and
  • Pre-integration with Airties Vision App that helps guide consumers through extender set up and placement, parental controls, enhanced security, and more

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Article by:

Metin Taskin

Metin Taskin,




Smart homes:
An opportunity for operators to differentiate 


Smart homes:
An opportunity for operators to differentiate 


Smart home devices across categories of smart appliances, energy management, control and connectivity, entertainment, security and more, have found their place in homes all over the world. With as many as 22 connected devices per household¹, the smart home market is projected to be a $180 billion² industry and the number of smart homes expected to be over 478 million³ households by 2025.  

With home Wi-Fi being a driving force behind the seamless connectivity experience of most smart home devices, broadband operators are at a vantage point to develop and offer differentiated products and service portfolios. In its Smart Home Services Forecast Analysis: 2021-26⁴, analyst firm Omdia dissects the most relevant trends that will define the future of the smart home service market. The report shares how telcos are poised to strengthen their presence in the smart home market. Despite their relatively small participation currently (12.6% of the global smart home services revenue), telcos will streamline existing services and invest in new ones, either directly or via strategic partnerships. According to analysts at Omdia, this will allow them to reach $6.5 billion in revenue by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 18.8% in 2021-26.

Evolve with the times

However, for telcos and service providers, simply providing high speeds is not enough. It is ultimately the Quality of Experience that helps a provider emerge as a market leader. Omdia clearly establishes the relationship between home QoE and broadband as they believe consumers associate in-home bottlenecks and issues with service providers’ networks and will churn for a better experience. Innovation with home solutions such as smart Wi-Fi is key to guarantee a reliable and satisfactory experience. 

Among its key recommendations, the report suggests that telcos must explore the full scope of value-added services for the smart home. While security remains one of the main drivers for consumers to invest in smart home solutions, there are many more potential avenues for telcos – elderly smart care, for instance. Investment in technologies such as Wi-Fi Sensing will be crucial to unlock a new wave of services useful for customer retention and revenue generation. Telcos should also focus on making continual progress. As the smart home evolves, there are new devices and services that require attention, as well as a new interoperability protocol like Matter. It is imperative to develop a long-term smart home technology strategy and invest carefully.

Build on your consumers’ trust

With the comfort and convenience that the smart home provides, it also creates some frustrated customers. Managing smart home devices can be a pain point that requires regular technical support and can boost demand for premium services in that domain. According to an independent survey by Omdia, more than 40% of respondents prefer telecom operators for the delivery of premium technical support services rather than other types of providers such as device manufacturers or retailers. Operators should then take advantage of their well-respected reputation in this area to promote the delivery of affordable technical support services, including all types of devices, and not only smart solutions.

Navigating complexity and competition

Analysts underline that telcos must overcome the challenge of becoming a solution enabler, given the complexity of the smart home. There is also the threat of growing competition from large OTT players such as Amazon and Google and telcos must look for alternative ways to monetize the smart home. As Mariana Zamoszczyk Principal Analyst, Smart Home Services at Omdia, shares, “Configuring a new business mindset will be key for telcos to achieve better results in the smart home.” To succeed and maximize ROI, telcos must explore the full scope of value-added services for the smart home. Moreover, investment in emerging technologies such as Matter and Wi-Fi Sensing will be crucial to unlock a new wave of services useful for customer retention and revenue generation.

Powering smart homes with Smart Wi-Fi

In the evolving competitive landscape, Airties understands the need for broadband operators to deliver a high speed, low latency, and reliable Wi-Fi to end consumers. The Airties Smart Wi-Fi solutions portfolio helps deliver exactly that. With its advanced steering and channel management techniques, Smart Wi-Fi solution ensures the best possible wireless performance for the multitude of legacy and new wireless devices that compete for airtime. Airties’ advanced steering technologies maximize device connection speeds and home network capacity. Cloud-based channel planning offers significant improvements in airtime efficiency as it determines the optimal settings for each household based on usage patterns – critical to delivering a seamless Quality of Experience for smart home and other connected devices.

Built on a unique hybrid cloud-edge architecture, it is the most cost-effective and responsive way to scale any Wi-Fi deployment. The Airties Smart Wi-Fi solutions portfolio also allows operators the in-depth visibility for accurate customer diagnostics, troubleshooting and monitoring usage patterns for targeted and effective upselling.

¹ https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/press-releases/connectivity-and-mobile-trends.html
² https://www.statista.com/outlook/dmo/smart-home/worldwide
³ https://www.statista.com/forecasts/887613/number-of-smart-homes-in-the-smart-home-market-in-the-world
⁴ https://omdia.tech.informa.com/OM026260/Smart-Home-Services-Forecast-Analysis-2021–2026

Deploying Wi-Fi EasyMesh™: 3 lessons learned


Deploying Wi-Fi EasyMesh™: 3 lessons learned



Airties’ software enabled the world’s first service provider deployment of Wi-Fi EasyMesh with Telstra in Australia. Since that time, the company has created versatile new solutions that combine the benefits of standards-based Wi-Fi EasyMesh architecture, with the added functionality and control provided by Airties Edge software and Airties Cloud. Watch the video below to see what are the 3 lessons learned from our deployments:

1. Wi-Fi standards reduce complexity and future-proof your network

EasyMesh allows operators a shorter time to market, less bespoke integrations, faster deployments; flexibility on the choice of gateways or extenders.

2. Standards cannot do it all

Flawless user experience will still require Smart Wi-Fi enhancements to achieve 100% reliability consumers want, especially for critical applications: real-time diagnostics, advanced steering and channel optimization, remote home Wi-Fi management, monitoring of user experience (QoE).

3. The mix of legacy and new devices will remain for the years to come

This is why our solutions support both legacy devices and Wi-Fi EasyMesh in a unified way.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper