Hybrid cloud and edge architecture to support multi-gigabit, low-latency environments


Hybrid cloud and edge architecture to support multi-gigabit, low-latency environments


How can a hybrid cloud and edge architecture support multi-gigabit, low-latency environments? Hear from Scott Stinson, our Head of Business Americas who joined a panel discussion at the CONNECTIONS session by Parks Associates.

Moving data and intelligence into the cloud can bring advantages to both the customer and service provider. From a customer point of view, new features and experiences can be provided that can only be created through cloud functionality – cloud backup would be a simple example. For service providers the cloud can bring cost savings by reducing the complexity of CPE, enable quicker time to market for new applications, as well as other operational efficiency benefits generated by cloud data analytics.

Due to such advantages, there have been growing calls over the years for greater and greater intelligence to be placed into the cloud, in some scenarios going as far as removing the need for CPE altogether, or at least reducing this to very basic connectivity devices. However, although cloud brings certain advantages, shifting all intelligence into the cloud also has its drawbacks. By utilizing more of a hybrid approach, maximizing both CPE and cloud functionality, numerous benefits can be realized, including:

  • Responsiveness. Storing intelligence and data for time-critical applications locally can reduce network latency and thus maximize the customer experience
  • Scalability and efficient use of cloud. It provides greater, more efficient use of cloud resources by making use of local CPE functionality where cloud capability is not required
  • Reliability. By placing specific intelligence locally, critical functions can continue to work, even when the broadband connection is down
  • Sustainability. Energy efficiency can be maximized by keeping some communications local and utilizing embedded processing
  • Privacy. Consumers have become wary of having all their data stored in the cloud, and thus enabling more sensitive data to be stored locally will reassure consumers and maintain trust.

When it comes to its Smart Wi-Fi platform, therefore, Airties’ approach is to split the functionality across the cloud and edge platforms – utilizing the cloud for AI data analytics that monitor and optimize the overall Wi-Fi experience, and then real-time edge software to provide a centralized controller for the home-wide network. This can then be used to optimize the data collection as well as providing real-time client roaming, mesh topology optimization, and QoS management.

The importance of Wi-Fi EasyMesh – fireside chat with Proximus


The importance of Wi-Fi EasyMesh – fireside chat with Proximus


Gert Maes, Josselin Wildemeersch from Proximus, and Jos Delbar from Airties discuss the importance of Wi-Fi EasyMesh with Claus Hetting from Wi-Fi NOW at the Wi-Fi World Congress 2022.

Home Wi-Fi has become synonymous with the broadband service, meaning a poor Wi-Fi service equals a poor broadband service in the eyes of the customer. It is essential, therefore, that broadband service providers invest in this part of the network if they are to remain competitive. Rather than just throwing more hardware at the issue, however, a far more efficient way to invest in the home network is to deploy a single, cloud-based software management layer across the network footprint that can dynamically optimize the performance of the home broadband gateway, and identify those customers who would also then benefit from new or additional Wi-Fi hardware.

However, deploying a new proprietary management software platform over the top of such an ecosystem can therefore be complex, time consuming, and expensive, as it can require additional integration work for each different type or brand of hardware deployed. Although it wouldn’t necessarily help with older CPE, moving toward a more open, standards-based environment would in the long term bring significant advantages to service providers, as any new software could then be efficiently and quickly deployed across all hardware in the field. Standardization can help by simplifying the interoperability effort, enabling quick time to market. One standard that is gaining fast market traction is the Wi-Fi Alliance’s Wi-Fi EasyMesh™ (EasyMesh), and Airties has been one of the pioneers in adopting this standard.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Scott Stinson at the BBF Managed Wi-Fi Webinar:
The evolution of Wi-Fi


Scott Stinson at the BBF Managed Wi-Fi Webinar:
The evolution of Wi-Fi


Find out how operators can capitalize on the evolution of Wi-Fi from Scott Stinson, Head of Business Development at Airties.   

This presentation was delivered at the BBF Managed Wi-Fi Webinar. 

Wi-Fi, as we know it, has changed. The popularity of smart devices and the emergence of newer applications have completely changed how Wi-Fi is used in the home environment. The conversation around Wi-Fi is no longer about speed but the quality of experience it offers. Are operators prepared to address this opportunity?

Nicolas Fortineau at Tech Live London: The Intersection of 5G and Home Connectivity


Nicolas Fortineau at Tech Live London: The Intersection of 5G and Home Connectivity


At Airties, we always look towards the needs of tomorrow while we build our solutions. One such area is the seamless convergence of advanced wireless technologies like 5G and Wi-Fi 6. Both technologies seem to be competing against each other, but by working together, they can significantly improve wireless networks to bring a great quality of experience to people.

We have already taken some important steps towards seamlessly and securely bridging the gap between cellular and Wi – Fi with Wireless Broadband Alliance OpenRoaming. Speaking about this endeavor in his keynote session, ‘The intersection of 5G and Home Connectivity’ at BizClik Media Groups’ TECH LONDON LIVE,  Nicolas Fortineau, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Airties, discussed the complementary co-existence of 5G and Wi-Fi 6 based on real-world experiences with many of the world’s leading broadband service providers.

Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Enterprises around the world are already at the forefront of deploying both 5G and Wi-Fi 6 advanced networking needs such as Internet of Things, smart factories, connected vehicles, and more. The choice is not about using one over the other, but rather, selecting the right networking technology based on its use case scenario.
  2. Even in a hypothetical situation where we imagined the world to rely exclusively on 5G, the fact remains that the global consumer Internet traffic is around 293 Exabytes per month. According to Cisco’s VNI Complete Forecast Highlights, more than half of the total internet traffic runs through fixed lines and Wi-Fi. It will be a massive effort and cost driver to have 5G infrastructure keep the entire bulk of internet traffic up and running.
  3. The convergence of Wi-Fi 6 and 5G is an exciting phenomenon not only from a technology standpoint, but it also reflects the creation of an ecosystem where all the entities involved can benefit.​ The end users benefit from a great experience, across devices and networks, without any efforts from their side – a true solution of their key ask which is ‘I just want the internet to work’.​ Service providers, on the other hand, can take advantage of this convergence to rethink their existing business models and unlock new revenue streams, grow their customer base, find new opportunities to cross sell and upsell and ensure a great relationship with their customers. ​

Global adoption of RDK continues: DTVE talks to RDK President Jason Briggs


Global adoption of RDK continues: DTVE talks to RDK President Jason Briggs


Watch this interview with Jason Briggs, President of RDK, to get the latest update about global adoption and recent progress for RDK – the open-source software platform for the connected home that standardizes core functions used in broadband devices, set-top boxes, connected TVs, and IoT.

Airties has recently announced a significant collaboration with RDK Management to streamline operator-grade Wi-Fi EasyMesh™ deployments. Airties contributed its Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller software module, as a new RDK-B component, for use by the RDK community across broadband gateways/routers.

By further integrating Wi-Fi EasyMesh, developed through Wi-Fi Alliance®, as a standardized communication layer for Wi-Fi gateways and extenders, operators can spend less time on platform integration efforts across OEMs and chipsets, and more time developing value-added managed Wi-Fi services to their subscribers. Airties’ RDK-B component contribution will enable this kind of operator-grade experience. Vendors and operators across the RDK community are now free to deploy their own products using this contributed Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller. Airties will also maintain the component code contribution and future revisions to support the RDK community.   

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Key perspective on home Wi-Fi and connectivity


Key perspective on home Wi-Fi and connectivity


Hear from Philippe Alcaras, CEO of Airties, share his perspective on home Wi-Fi and connectivity.

At Airties, our mission is to empower broadband service providers to deliver the best connected home experience for their customers. The pandemic has shown us that connectivity, and home Wi-Fi in particular, is as essential as electricity. People have come to depend on their home Wi-Fi more than ever… whether that is for remote work, connected house, online learning, entertainment, or simply staying connected with friends and family.

Airties is fortunate to be a world leader of managed home Wi-Fi solutions for broadband operators, with deployments such as AT&T, Sky, Telia, Telstra, Vodafone and many others. But, providing this level of consistent connectivity presents significant challenges, and opportunities for broadband operators and Airties’ focus is to help them innovate to meet these demands.

With Airties, operators can deliver significant Quality of Experience, generate additional ARPU, while driving down costs for customer care and churn. Beyond the strategic importance of home broadband, managed Wi-Fi opens the door for new ARPU-generating services, such as home security, remote care, motion-sensing applications, and smart home automation. So, whether you are a cable, telco, or fixed wireless 5G service provider, there is arguably no better return on investment (ROI) than managed Wi-Fi and connectivity.

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EasyMesh – standardization and interoperability for Home Wi-Fi


EasyMesh – standardization and interoperability for Home Wi-Fi


Hear from Oz Yildirim, EVP & GM Americas Business Unit at Airties, what are the key benefits of EasyMesh for operators

Oz Yildirim, EVP & GM Americas Business Unit at Airties, discusses the benefits of EasyMesh with
Kevin Gray, Vice President, Technology, Media, and Telecom, Fierce/Questex

Airties advocating for standards that help improve home Wi-Fi

Airties has always been an advocate for standards that help improve home Wi-Fi. EasyMesh, in particular, is a Wi-Fi Alliance® program which brings a standards-based approach to Wi-Fi networks that utilize multiple access points (APs). Specifically, EasyMesh Release 2 provides a standardized communication layer for home networks that utilizes multiple Wi-Fi extenders.

Over 250 Wi-Fi EasyMesh device certifications are recognized by Wi-Fi Alliance to date on Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E products across every major chipset vendor and OEM.

Adopting EasyMesh allows Airties, and our customers, to focus more on adding value with business logic and less on platform integration—as certain core functionalities are now able to work consistently across chipsets and OEMs. It enables us to focus more efforts on the advanced Smart Wi-Fi and cloud management capabilities that really make a difference to our customers, such as advanced steering, channel optimization, zero-touch installation, and remote Wi-Fi troubleshooting.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Airties’ software enabled the world’s first service provider deployment of Wi-Fi EasyMesh with Telstra in Australia. Since that time, we now have multiple EasyMesh-based service provider deployments underway that we expect will be announced later this year. 

While each deployment is unique, more service providers are seeking the kind of interoperability that EasyMesh provides, coupled with Airties’ hybrid cloud-edge software architecture to maximize the responsiveness, performance, and control of their subscribers’ home Wi-Fi experience.

At Airties, EasyMesh is the foundation for delivering leading Smart Wi-Fi functionality, granting broadband operators flexibility to deploy Airties Edge (our Smart Wi-Fi software for gateways/routers/extenders) on a massive number of products.

In addition, Airties Cloud provides broadband operators with the ability to manage both legacy and EasyMesh extenders in a unified way, since only the most recent extenders are available with EasyMesh.

The benefits for operators to adopt this EasyMesh approach versus alternatives

  1. EasyMesh both simplifies and speeds up the integration of advanced business logic onto Wi-Fi hardware platforms, by reducing the bespoke integration efforts typically needed across OEMs, chipsets, and software. It does this by standardizing the basic building blocks of a managed Wi-Fi mesh solution for operators.
  2. EasyMesh is supported by all major Wi-Fi chipset vendors and OEMs for their mainstream and future generation products.  This also means operators can support multi-vendor deployments more seamlessly.
  3. EasyMesh is fully compatible with the Airties hybrid cloud-edge architecture that leverages Smart Wi-Fi capabilities embedded on the CPE as well as the analytics and optimizations operated through the Cloud.
  4. EasyMesh allows operators to work with partners like Airties to focus more of their efforts on the advanced Smart Wi-Fi and connected home services that really make a difference to consumers – things like zero-touch installation; remote home Wi-Fi management; and new services.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Key Wi-Fi trends
to watch in 2022


Key Wi-Fi trends
to watch in 2022


Hear from Nicolas Fortineau, CMO & EVP of Airties, what are the key Wi-Fi trends to watch this year and what they mean to broadband operators.

The expectations for the connected home have changed forever. This trend presents significant opportunities and challenges for broadband operators around the globe. A recent survey of more than 1,500 consumers commissioned by Airties, found:
  1. Consumers strongly prefer their broadband operator take the lead in ensuring a quality home Wi-Fi experience. 80% said they would rather their broadband subscription include all of their home Wi-Fi gear — instead of purchasing anything through retail.
  2. 58% said they would consider upgrading to a faster tier of Internet service – if their broadband operator offered a premium Wi-Fi system that guaranteed consistent Wi-Fi in every room.
  3. Notably, 71% of consumers expect to continue working from home post-pandemic. 39% of respondents said they were reimbursed by their employer for new Wi-Fi gear they purchased, and 32% had their broadband subscription subsidized by their employer. This represents a significant new business opportunity for broadband operators.

At Airties, we’re fully committed to helping broadband operators live up to, and exceed, consumer expectations by providing them with the world’s best managed Wi-Fi solution.

Consumer Expectations for Home Wi-Fi - Report

Why deploy Wi-Fi EasyMesh


Why deploy Wi-Fi EasyMesh


Hear from Metin Taskin, our CTO on the reasons Airties adopted Wi-Fi EasyMesh.

When we developed Mesh systems in the past, we were one of the first companies, in the home network space to develop and deploy Mesh solution in the home. There was no standard to be able to establish a Mesh network and manage the Wi-Fi home network from a higher level. We had to implement lots of lower-layer protocols and lower layer improvements on the Wi-Fi chips and the chip driver level. But there is a lot of work, a lot of time spent on the low-level support[Wi-Fi] EasyMesh – we really pushed for getting EasyMesh standard into a good operator-level.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh Whitepaper

Wi-Fi EasyMesh R2 is definitely there. This is where we put all of our efforts to integrate Wi-Fi EasyMesh into our Smart Wi-Fi system and interface with the Wi-Fi chips and the Wi-Fi interfaces of gateways, and the extenders using the Wi-Fi EasyMesh protocol. That helped us focus on more value-added features, like optimizing Wi-Fi and building all the QS-level, channel optimization level features, but at the same time, it also helps us integrate with different chips, different gateways, different manufacturer’s products on Wi-Fi EasyMesh standard level, because now we can talk the same language, we can describe what we need, based on Wi-Fi EasyMesh protocol. We just need EasyMesh R2 support on the extenders or the gateway, where we integrate our Edge software, and it also puts a clear boundary about where the responsibility is when we integrate our software into a 3rd party device, we can test it at the Wi-Fi EasyMesh level so that we can make sure that the product works well, at that standard level.

Consumer Expectations for Home Wi-Fi – CONNECTIONS™ Summit


Consumer Expectations for Home Wi-Fi – CONNECTIONS™ Summit


Hear from Oz Yildirim, the EVP and GM Americas BU of Airties, discuss the key takeaways from a recent Airties consumer survey analyzing how the pandemic has changed their expectations for their connected home life.


Consumer Expectations for Home Wi-Fi - Report